Sunday, October 4, 2009

The Daydreamer (Russia)

A poor peasant walking in a field saw a hare under a bush and was overjoyed. He said: “Now I’m in luck! I will catch this hare, kill him with a whip, and sell him for twelve kopeks. For that money I will buy a sow, and she will bring me twelve piglets; the piglets will grow up and each will bring twelve piglets; I will slaughter them all, and have a barnful of meat. I will sell the meat, and with the money will set up housekeeping and get married. My wife will bear me two sons, Vaska and Vanka. The children will plow the field, and I will sit by the window and give orders. “Hey, you boys!” I will cry. “Vaska and Vanka!” Don’t overwork you laborers; apparently you yourselves have never known property!” And the peasant shouted these words so loudly that the hare was startled and ran away, and his house with all his riches and his wife, and his children were lost.

1 comment:

  1. It's amazing what a wonderful story that can be told in a single paragraph. I'm completely unfamiliar with this story. Great find.


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